ATŌMI debut album’s A/V live show has been nominated as one of the best 2021 performances by ADAF Greece.

He has exhibit and performed in different festivals and venues, notably Lightbox NYC - Creative Code Festival, Graphic Days Torino - Seeyousound, Fuorisalone Milano, Theater Im Delphi,  Teufelsberg Domecast and Anomalie Art Club, featuring audio-visual performances in collaboration with several visual artists and performers.

_on tour

_ past

Little Floating Oracles

We embark on a dense journey
through the prenatal existence,
starting from high and immaterial planes down to the material and sensorial reality, exploring the borders of dark ambient,
contemporary electronic and
experimental classical music.

Artwork by Riccardo Franco-loiri
Photo/Video by Chiara De Maria

︎ Little Floating Oracles


The interest in science and ancient writings led the artist to encode a journey started from the planet’s orbit frequencies of the solar system into music.
A musical research that goes beyond the stringent scientific approach and connects to the spiritual and philosophical world through the use of symbols.  

︎ Video Playlist
ATŌMI debut EP acquires new horizons and nuances, thanks to the collaboration with five visual artists: Alessandra Leone, Carlo Fanchini, Chiara De Maria, Matteo Gatti and Stefano Benatti.

In 2021, ATŌMI collaborates with the visual artists Chiara De Maria to design a limited edition art book.


Artwork by Serjan Burlak
Video by Alessandra Leone
Art book in collaboration with Chiara De Maria


A condensed cosmic journey.
From the point to the line: the universal essence evolving in the first manifestation of matter through the force impressed by rotation that splits and multiplies its parts to become DNA.
The paradox has been created.

The implosion changes the focal plane that from two-dimensional reaches three-dimensionality, giving life to the essence. A metaphor of life that leads to the awareness that atom is galaxy and vice versa.
One in the other, the whole in the one.
An audio visual search that exploits the materiality of the analogue image of the oscilloscope, obtained through the generation of frequencies, soliciting the subconscious imagination of the viewer.



Eterno question the human senses' perception related to the non-linearity of time and space, investigating how a specific environment or defined playground can lead the visitors to experience several states of consciousness, bodily or mental feelings and emotions as well as drastic mutations in moods and perceptions both, on a conscious and unconscious level

︎ Studio 01 Bright Festival - Firenze (IT)